Three Maries and Eve- The Disclosing Virgin, Virgin of the Annunciation, Expulsion from Paradise, and Adoration
Three Maries and Eve: The Disclosing Virgin, Virgin of the Annunciation, Expulsion from Paradise, and Adoration

News 16 September 2016

PhD student, Rosalind Whitman, exhibits at The Crypt Gallery

Current PhD student, Rosalind Whitman, participated in a group exhibition at the Crypt Gallery from 7-17 September 2016. The exhibition, entitled 100x Madonna, offered 100 artistic perspectives on the icon of the Mother of Christ.

Whitman exhibited a set of bronze sculptures, which she explained are part of a project, " exploring aspects of the feminine image in religious mystery. The image of the Disclosing Virgin detailed in the catalogue is inspired by the Vièrge Ouvrante, a medieval wooden prototype of the Virgin Mother, in the Cluny Museum, Paris. My interpretation unites the person of the Virgin Mary with the Great Mother archetype of pre-Christian traditions. It refers to her incarnation in the form of a tree goddess, an image later adapted inthe Biblical story of the Fall."

The full exhibition catalogue can be found at:**