stained glass, jamie clark


Programme Date
MA programme 21 February 2025
Post Experience programme 21 February 2025
MPhil and PhD programmes 28 February 2025

Application Forms

MA and Post Experience Programme:

For enquiries about the postgraduate programme, please contact the Registrar.

Please read the notes for applicants carefully before submitting your application.

Fill in the form, making sure that you complete each section fully. Incomplete forms will not be accepted.

Places on the courses are limited. You are advised that completed application forms, portfolios, and references should arrive as soon as possible.

MPhil and PhD:

Please read the notes for applicants carefully before submitting your application.


Please send your artwork portfolio to the Registrar electronically, using a file sharing service like Dropbox or Wetransfer.

Confidential Statement by Referee

Forward the Confidential Statement by Referee form to your referee(s) as soon as possible. Be sure to fill in your name and the title of your intended course before you forward it.

MA & Post Experience Programme: Your referee should return the form directly to the Registrar by 21 February 2025.

MPhil & PhD Programme: Your referee should return the form directly to the Registrar by 28 February 2025.

Choosing a Referee

Since your referee is requested to provide an academic reference, you are advised to choose someone who is familiar with your work and who understands the demands of the course that you are planning to undertake.

They should be able to comment in detail on your qualifications, ability, motivation and character, so it may be helpful to choose someone who has known you for some time.

Candidates with a UK undergraduate degree or recognised equivalent will have to provide a copy of their certificate and transcript as evidence.

Candidates with no undergraduate will need to provide two references which should comment specifically on the role that the student has undertaken e.g. job title, dates of employment, nature of the work, providing evidence of specific experience relevant to the course and a detailed CV which demonstrates your suitability to study the course e.g. specific employment dates, job titles, descriptions of tasks undertaken in employment etc.

Admissions Policy

Click to read the School's admissions policy

Application Fee

The application fee for all programmes is £30. You will be asked to pay the fee upon submitting your online application.


Please direct your queries to the Registrar.